The action sequences are fast-paced with fun, imaginative gadgets like chainsaw lasers that feel like they came from a young child's mind.

Unlike Revelation, which aged up its content in order to appeal to its aged-up target audience, the He-Man Netflix remake is rated TV-Y7, meaning it's aimed at children seven years old and up. Works that stand on their own without important tie-ins to other stories can often be a more pleasant viewing experience for that very reason. Viewers don't need to have any previous knowledge of the world of Eternia in order to understand and enjoy the story, making it far more accessible to a much larger audience than Revelation, as well as simply easier to watch. Otherwise, they risk not following along or truly grasping the significance of certain details or character choices, leaving them feeling excluded from the narrative, whereas Masters of the Universe caters to audiences both new and old. It's more difficult for new viewers to get into the show without first watching older episodes from the original.
The unfortunate downside of making Revelation a He-Man sequel series is that it limits its potential audience. Meant to garner a lot of nostalgia for those who loved the original, Revelation is a direct continuation of Prince Adam's story while also raising the stakes with real consequences and more mature content. The Masters of the Universe: Revelation was created for the now-grown audiences who grew up watching He-Man. Smith remarked in an interview (via Variety) that " anybody that’s like, ‘Oh, man, there’s not enough He-Man’ or something like that, doesn’t understand the show that we based it on." Regardless, their anger kept many from truly appreciating the sequel series. As interesting as it has been for the show to provide more screen time for characters who have not been very fleshed out in the past, not all viewers saw it that way, some even going so far as to accuse Netflix of falsely advertising it as a He-Man show when it actually isn't. Teela especially takes center stage in Revelation as she deals with a sense of betrayal at being lied to about Prince Adam's alter ego. In episode 1, He-Man and Skeletor seemingly die, and although He-Man returns in flashbacks throughout the series, it focuses more on his friends trying to restore him and magic back to Eternia. This disparity largely originates from original fans' anger at the focus on Teela instead of He-Man in the first half of the show. On Rotten Tomatoes, the critic score is 94% while audiences only gave it 39% at the time of writing. Kevin Smith's Revelation received very different responses from critics and audiences.