You should get out of your car and abandon it instead. Never attempt to outrun a tornado when driving in your car.Never try to take shelter beneath a highway overpass.If you’re in a vehicle, get out of it immediately.You can take shelter beneath furniture, but it must be sturdy or you may cause yourself extra danger. If you don’t have an appropriate underground shelter, go to a hallway or interior room on the lowest floor of your home.

Go to your basement or another appropriate place of shelter that you have identified in advance.If you plan any kind of excursion outside, remember to listen to the forecasts and always take action to bring yourself to safety if there are any threatening weather developments.ĭo the following things if there is a tornado:.This will help you keep track of movement of storms in the weather bulletins. Know your way around your county and always have a highway map at hand.Invest in a NOAA weather radio and keep it in your home.Do drills for this plan on a frequent basis for different locations, including at: It’s important to try to get ready for tornadoes before they take place.Ĭreate a tornado plan for you and your family. To learn more, read our detailed article about how tornadoes form. Heat creates the necessary lift for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes to occur. This is because this tends to be the hottest part of the day. Tornadoes usually take place sometime between noon and midnight. On there was a catastrophic EF5 tornado which ripped through Joplin Missouri, killing at least 158 people and injuring 1,000 more.2006 was a record tornado year in Missouri, producing 102 tornadoes.An average of four people die each year from tornadoes in Missouri.The total number of recorded fatalities so far from Missouri tornadoes is 394.The annual average number of tornadoes in Missouri is 32.We’ll cover when they occur, and how many you can expect throughout the year.

In this article, we’ll go over the Missouri tornado season to let you know how to be safe ahead of tornadoes occurring. You should be aware, however, that there is a less significant “peak” that does occur towards the end of each year in Missouri. Peak tornado season in Missouri takes place during the months of April through June. If you’ve recently moved to Missouri, you must be keen to know when the tornado season takes place every year so you can be prepared.